Episode 4: Featuring Brandy M. Miller

Episode 4 features Brandy M. Miller.

Award-winning international speaker and three-time award-winning author Brandy M. Miller has delighted audiences on stages from London to Las Vegas. She brings unique perspectives, authentic vulnerability, and diverse industry experience that allows her to speak to each audience in a language that they can understand. A master teacher despite having only an Associates in Elementary Education, she has a gift for breaking complex topics into easily digestible bits that are relatable to everyday life. Her life experiences and talent for storytelling allow her to effortlessly weave together into a single compelling narrative a broad range of topics including business, marketing, salesmanship, science, math, art, writing, religion, relationship building, leadership, personal growth, education, race relations, politics, and psychology. Her talks help listeners experience a shift in perspective that creates a lasting impact on their lives.

Learn more about Brandy's work at breakingopenabundance.com. 
Episode 4: Featuring Brandy M. Miller
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