Episode 2: Featuring Naseema McElroy

This episode features Naseema McElroy, who talks to us about the courage and foresight it takes to position ourselves to live out our values without fear.

Naseema McElroy is a published author and the founder of Financially Intentional, a platform about personal finance and living life intentionally. 
She discusses how taking control of her finances has enabled her to overcome bankruptcy, divorce, and break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. She shares her lessons along her path to help others benefit from the freedoms of financial independence. 

Outside of encouraging people to get their financial act together, Naseema is a mother, Labor & Delivery Nurse. Though making six figures for years, she struggled with money. Finally realizing she couldn't out-earn her financial ignorance, she knew she had to make some changes.  By shifting her mindset around money, being consistent and intentional, She has paid off $1 million in debt and grew a six figure net worth in three years without living in deprivation. 

Learn more about Naseema's work at www.financiallyintentional.com.
Episode 2: Featuring Naseema McElroy
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